This is going to be a super random post from the past 3 weeks or so of our crazy lives :)
First, one of my best friends, Ashley Myers (used to be Ashley Hemphill for those of you who knew her in highschool), came to visit me with her two adorable kids, Aiden and Miley. We had a great time just hanging out together and getting to spend time with each other and our kids. It's so weird going from wild & crazy friends in highschool to being moms and sharing all the experiences with each other throughout our lives. I'm very grateful to have a friend like her! Anyways, this is a picture of our clan at the creek by my mom and dad's house. Aiden had a ton of fun catching crawdads, throwing them in the creek and watching bass swim up to eat them.

Joel & his mom being silly, Joe in the background.
Bull Shoals Lake where we were riding around in our boat.

For the 4th of July we took the boat to the lake and met up with a group of friends. One family has a bass boat and the other has a big pontoon boat. So between theirs and ours, we can do anything from tubing to fishing to getting a tan! There were 17 of us altogether and we tied up together to watch the fireworks.

For the 4th of July we took the boat to the lake and met up with a group of friends. One family has a bass boat and the other has a big pontoon boat. So between theirs and ours, we can do anything from tubing to fishing to getting a tan! There were 17 of us altogether and we tied up together to watch the fireworks.
On our boat...
Us with Rose, a daughter of our friends.

All those little lights are boats parked in front of the dam. The fireworks were shot off the dam and were absolutely beautiful. To top it off, God put on an awesome show for us too...there was lightning going all around us, all across the sky. It was very impressive and out-did the fireworks show by far! This is part of our crew on the pontoon boat.