Life is busy busy as usual. I'm sure you're bored of hearing that! The sad thing is, reflecting back, I have no idea what we've been doing this past month! I mean, there's the obvious, running a restaurant, catering for a lodge, raising a monkey - I mean 10 month old, being the youth group leaders and doing at least 3 events with them per week, trying to catch a few minutes to ourselves here and there, but other than that, where has the time gone!?!
One thing that consumed a lot of my mental time was that on March 22nd, my mom went into ICU for 4 days, then remained in the hospital for another 4 days for monitoring. She had bacterial pneumonia that was sepsis and through her entire blood stream. Her kidneys were having a hard time, her potassium levels were far too low, her blood pressure was terribly low, and her heart rate was irregular and far slower than normal as well. Poor thing! If I had been thinking clearly, I would have blogged about that and asked for prayers! Oops... Anyhooo, she's at home now recouperating. She still feels terrible and is very weak and easily exhausted. She has a ton of pain where her lung infection was as well. So some extra prayers in her direction wouldn't hurt :)
I have hardly any photos of things going on lately, though the trees are blooming and flowers are everywhere so I should get my hiney outside and take some photographs. Stay tuned... but don't ever hold your breath :)
Mia is doing fantastic. Crazy, but good. She has 1.5 teeth at this point. Her 2nd one breached the surface yesterday but you really can't see it yet. She's very efficient with that one tooth though. She can take bites off a whole strawberry or hard boiled egg and loves to eat most anything.
Here she is with a strawberry:
This one was a disaster. I was baking for the restaurant and needed to keep her busy so I gave her a little tub of all natural peanut butter, forgetting that she had a toothbrush in her other hand. Well, needless to say, she brushed her hair, her face, her clothes, her chair, everything, with peanut butter. Right before the peanut butter, she had eaten a strawberry - which of course was every where also, so when you got close to her all you could smell was peanut butter and jelly sandwich !!! But it kept her busy, and that's what baths are for, right!?!
This is my dad and his birthday cake. My dad LOVES to squirrell hunt, you could even call it an obsession. He gets on his horse and goes in the woods for hours. He calls it his "therapy". So mom made him a squirrell cake holding a white flag in surrender. It's on a tree stump and there's another squirrel looking out of a hole in the tree.