11:00 AM

Other Highlights

In addition to our on-shore excursions, we had a lot of fun on the boat. Here are photos of us at our formal nights on the ship and at the ballroom dance competition we took Runner-Up in with our Salsa dancing :) We won a trophy, rose, and bottle of champagne that I couldn't drink because I'm pregnant! Thanks for checking out our stories and photos from the cruise. It was a ton of fun and we will definitely be doing more cruises in the future.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the trophy, and by the way you two look gorgeous, as always!!

sunshine said...

I would have loved to see you two shakin your stuff on the dance floor! Congrats! Love the pics and it is good to see you both!

Brooke and David said...

Shake your money maker! Can't wait to see you guys dancing at our wedding!! How is that license thing coming along anyways? Any news yet? Maybe David and I should take dance lessons from you 2!