12:46 PM

Christmas Tree Cutting

Every year Joel and I try to pick out and cut down our own Christmas tree. This year was a little ridiculous, I'll explain...

We decided that we needed a tree for the restaurant AND for the house. We always cut a little tree for our house because it's not a very big house and it would definitely dominate the living space. We wanted a BIG tree for the restaurant because it has like 15 foot ceilings and a big tree would look GREAT! SO... a hunting we went.

We found the two perfect trees and cut them down....

Joel did the big tree:

And I did the little tree:

We drug them home, put them in water, and.....

NOTHING! We are so stinkin' busy with the restaurant, church and ministry work, and everything else that we never got to decorate our trees!!! Grrrrr..... Next year we HAVE to do better....