10:18 AM

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

In our continuing effort to jazz this town up a bit, we hosted an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party at the restaurant. We had about 40+ people come throughout the night and we had a BLAST.

Here are some of the faces & ugly sweaters:

A hand game that totally messes with your head. It's so fun!!!
Peanut and Kenzi making a "christmas tree" pose.
Toby and Bean about to play a game called "Norweigan Nosedive"... kinda like "Twister" on steroids. Very fun.

The newly engaged couple, Josh and Ellen:

More Norweigan Nosedive:


Chris and Megan Bunch said...

Great idea, it looks like you guys are surrounded by tons of fun people and that you had a wonderful time.

Brooke and David said...

Love it!

Katy, to your comment about the care packages....

I love what you have started with the kids from your church. I think that is awesome! Unfortunately, we aren't able to send packages to our Compassion children. We support them through a donation monthly and then they are supplied through that. I don't fully understand how it works, but if we sent packages to them (it would go through Compassion, we don't have the kids exact addrss) it would cost Compassion too much money to get the packages to them, therefore, they rely on our money. It would be awesome if you could and I love that you even ask! Check into Compassion if you haven't already.