We have had a lot of people ask us to see the ultrasound photos of our baby. Unfortunately, we were only 6 weeks along for the first one, and 8 weeks along for the most recent. We are currently 14 weeks along, so I'm sure the baby looks a LOT different at this point. So to explain the pictures, the first one is the baby between the two + signs. Tiny. Not very intersting... The next one is only two weeks later, and you can see the actual shape of a baby. The big hump in the middle of it is the baby's heart. My finger is simply there to hold down the page while I took a picture of it, I'm not pointing at anything of interest. Our next ultrasound won't be until January when we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. Woo Hoo!!!! Stay tuned...
Hello world!
1 year ago
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