Today we found out that we're having a little girl, and providing no crazy last minute changes, her name will be Mia Joelle (mee-ah, not my-a) Gallegos. She weighs about 13 oz. right now which is right about average. She has 10 fingers and 10 toes, cute little ears, two healthy kidneys, a really healthy heart, and of course an above average brain :) We are very excited, but have about 17-19 more weeks until we actually get to meet the little girl. She was so funny during the ultrasound, she kept her little fists right around her face the whole time like she didn't want her picture taken. The ultrasound tech pushed on my belly enough to get her to move her hands a little and we got a few photos of her face. At one point she even threw us the peace sign for a little bit! Below are some of the regular ultrasounds where you can see her leg and foot in one, and her head and hand in the other. Below those is a 4D ultrasound where you can actually see some of her features. She's still a little funny looking, but give her a few more weeks in the oven and she'll be gorgeous, I'm certain! Needless to say, we are very excited to finally refer to "it" as "she" and by her name.

I am so happy to hear that you have a healthy beautiful little baby girl on the way. She is so cute, and sounds like she is already developing quite the personality. Hopefully these next few months are going to fly by (for both of our sakes!!), I am so excited for you guys!
She is going to be gorgeous! I can't wait to meet her! I know you guys are super excited!
CONGRATULATIONS! Your little princess will be a wonderful addition to your beautiful family. LOVE the name by the way (too cute)!
Keep us posted!!! I still have 6 weeks to go till we can know (pink or blue)!
Congratulations to you both and God Bless you and yours!
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