Since these utility workers have been in our area for over 2 weeks at this point, they have been working ridiculously long hours trying to get the power back on so that they can get back home. They are exhausted, to say the least. So we wanted to do something nice to tell them thank you and that we're grateful for all their hard work. Every Thursday night our local youth come over and have dinner at our house so we put them to work. I bought all kinds of snack foods, from chips, jerky, and tangerines to string cheese, and some other parents pitched in with peanuts, gum, and cookies. We put together these care package bags with a little thank you note. We drove around that night to the parking lots where most of their utility trucks are parked and put a care package on each windshield. We also delivered bags to the Army National Guard guys (about 50 in our town) who are here doing clean up. All in all, we delivered 115 bags to the utility works and ANG guys. It was a lot of fun and I hope they know how grateful we truly are for their service.

Joel, Mikaela (Peanut as we call her), and Whit cutting up Razorback Rib coupons for the bags.
Karlie, Kaitlin, and Rachel cutting out the Thank You notes.
Me putting on the final touches.
And my dear Joel counting our progress.
You and your husband are very thoughtful and caring people. You do great things that mean the world to people. I am glad that you made it through storm and your community has power...yea for the hard working utility workers!! It's neat that you have the youth group over for dinner, just think soon they will be cooking dinner for you and Mia!!
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