I can't believe it was a week ago tonight that I started having contractions! Crazy how time flies. So I had contractions from Wednesday night all through Thursday, getting more intense as the day wore on, and we finally decided it was time to go to the hospital Thursday night around 9pm. Friday afternoon at 4pm (19 hours later) little Mia Joelle was born. She was 6 lbs, 6 oz at birth and 18.5'' long. It was just Joel and I with our midwife and nurse in the hospital room and it was a very intimate and emotional moment for all of us.
The delivery went fine, I mean, no birth is fun or easy, but I had no complications and Mia is perfectly healthy and happy. That's all we can ask for! We spent the next 24 hours at the hospital and then got to come home. My friend Wendy was able to come down here to help out with things for the next week or so, and she got to our house about the same time as we did. Her help has been a HUGE blessing for me.
Mia is definitely the cutest thing to ever hit the Earth (no bias here!) and she already has all of us wrapped around her itsy bitsy fingers. She has SO much character and her facial expressions are constantly changing. Yesterday she figured out how to smile and has been flashing us a grin now and then ever since. She has the longest, skinniest arms and legs and is constantly flailing them around. We try to keep her swaddled for naps, but those darn arms always work themselves out!
There are many more photos to come, but we've been really busy with all this new-ness, so give us a few days to post some more. This is a picture of her at when we were still at the hospital. 

She's beautiful!! Ohhh...I can't wait to hold her and kiss her sweet face!! :) What a head full of hair she has. David and I are so excited for you guys! So glad everyone is doing well. We hope you 2 are adjusting to everything. We look forward to seeing you guys soon and will def. be in touch with you!
Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad everything went well and you are both doing good. I can't wait to see you all sometime soon hopefully!
OH MMYYY GOSH, she is precious!! And look at that hair. My 1st thought was how cute she will be with some big bows on her head (wait you may not be a bow person...)
Congrats to you guys!!
Bart & Christy
I am so glad that she didn't take after you as a baby cause she is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a precious little girl, I can't wait to meet her. I hope that you are recovering well and getting SOME sleep :) Take Care sweetie and give her kisses for me!!
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