Two weekends ago we went to Nashville to see Brooke and David get married. It was probably the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to - they went all out. It was incredible. They gave Joel the honor of officiating their wedding and, though I MIGHT be a tad partial, he did a fabulous job. They are on their honeymoon, but you can check out their blog on my list of blogs I follow and when she posts pictures be sure to check them out. I have a few to post, but not today, and I'm sure they're nothing like the ones she has! We got to see our dear friend Heather Kornack from Alaska while we were there too and she looked gorgeous as always, and gave a fantastic speech at their reception. It was so good to see you Heather! We miss you already!!!
We officially opened our restaurant, but no photos of that either. Sorry. I'll get there, promise. Just be grateful for this post! Anyhooo.... our little restaurant can seat 36 people, we have TV's up for news and sports highlights in the morning, and games in the evening. We had a fun crowd for Monday Night Football with some fun themed food specials as well. We've been incredibly busy at the restaurant, praise God, and it's awesome to work at a place where I get to be with my family all day long. I'm so lucky to work next to my best partner ever, Joel, every day, with my little girl on my hip. It's awesome. Tiring, but awesome. We open at 7:30am for coffee's, mochas, pastries, etc, so we get there around 7am, and don't close until 8:30pm, getting home around 9:15pm. So, like I said, tiring, but awesome.
Here are some photos that my aunt Susan and cousin Hannah helped me take of miss Mia about 2 weeks ago. Eek... maybe longer, I have no concept of time right now :) Enjoy!

Absolutely beautiful did an amazing job capturing her sweet little face and personality. I am so impressed!!! Speaking of that I am so proud of you guys for all of your amazing accomplishments. All of that hard work will pay off (it already has!)
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