We then went to my Mom and Dad's house to do presents and later to my aunt Gwen's house to eat and hang out with the whole crazy family.
Grandpa chose and wrapped these toys for little Mia, how cute!
Grandpa chose and wrapped these toys for little Mia, how cute!
Grandpa and Grandma even got a gift or two...
And We got a Wii!!!! We got rid of our TV channels so we just do Netflix and now Wii, and OH it's so much fun. Turns out I'm quite the golfer... Joel, on the other hand, is quite the bowler.
So this is our version of "over the river and through the woods" to Aunt Gwen's house. We were blessed with a white Christmas (though it was pretty wimpy compared to my Alaskan standards), but the creek crossing was super high due to lots of melting run-off. Makes for a good adventure though! (You can tell we came from Alaska with that big ole crack through Joel's windshield)

Isaac kickin' back
Tim and Lacey picking the turkey apart.
98% of my family was blessed with amazing singing abilities, I'm in the other 2%. Regardless, this is my Aunt Julie, Uncle Don, and Aunt Gwen singing some country songs....
...to which Joel and I danced :)
This is Mia being nice for the camera...
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