8:26 AM

A Little Bit of Everything

I don't feel like separating these posts, so just go with the randomness. This is what we've been up to the past few weeks!

First off, we live crazy lives - as evidenced by my child's hair:

Next, we took over the youth group for our church, which we were pretty much doing anyways but now it's "official". Our first trip was to ChrisTeens, the annual youth rally in Russellville. We had SO much fun, though it was an exhausting weekend.
Joel's older brother, Ernest, came to live with us for a while, these are a few photos of a hike we went on with him this past weekend.
Ahhh the peace that nature brings. Thank you God for making beautiful little things to look at.
OK. Now we've of course been doing some more cakes, which are TIME CONSUMING. We've actually had to inflate our prices so that we only do the coolest cake orders and not spend our entire lives doing cakes. It was getting a wee bit overwhelming.
A baby shower cake:
We used the center of that cake to make this little monster for the new big brother to have his own cake:
Our first wedding cake:
And the grooms cake for that same wedding.
I'm so happy that it has warmed up here. It was SO cold for the south for SO long. I felt like I should have just stayed in Alaska. At least I used AutoStart then and dressed for the cold! Ugh-hands down to all the mom's in Alaska. I can't imagine having to bundle up my little bundle every time we wanted to go outside. YUCK. (Geez, I've become such a pansy!) Ok. That's it for now.


Chris and Megan Bunch said...

You guys are so amazing and do SO many things, I don't know how you have any time to sleep. The people in your town are so blessed that you are willing to give so much to everyone! Kuddos to Katy and her beautiful mom for the amazing cakes, they just keep getting better and more creative! Oh and that cute little girl of yours, she is getting so big and looks really happy....you guys are doing such an amazing job and are truely living life the its fullest. We miss and love you lots :)