We had a general check up with the midwife yesterday. We wanted to deliver with a midwife, but we also wanted a hospital delivery, so from the start we've been going to this lady who is just fantastic. The nice thing about the midwife is that you have more say in what happens. Doctors tend to push for certain things more quickly and don't always allow the mother much say in what happens. Also, it's nice to have a female taking care of you, one who has actually been through a delivery, unlike a male doctor :) This midwife works in an absolutely gorgeous clinic under a doctor. So if anything were to become high risk with our pregnancy or delivery, the doctor is on hand and would take over. So long as things remain routine, we have the midwife. To top it off, they deliver in the hospital with the nicest birthing center around! Sweet! Anyways, the baby is doing great, his/her little heart is beating strong at 143 which is perfectly average for 16 weeks. On January 6th we'll find out if it is a boy or a girl, so stay tuned!!!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Yeah!! I see you figured out how to put the music on here! David and I love the song, Washed By The Water. It has been so encouraging to both of us ever since we first heard it!
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