As I mentioned, we were sailing for Jamaica, but when we got there the seas were so rough, with winds reaching 55 knots, that the captain, for the first time in his career, aborted our stop. We were pretty bummed, but he really had no other choice. The seas were really crazy, to the point where they had to empty the swimming pools onboard because the water was crashing out into the restaurant areas. So, we just kept sailing for Grand Cayman Island, our next scheduled stop. When we got there, Joel and I rented a Jeep and took off to explore the island. We went around the entire island and saw beautiful properties, gorgeous beaches, crystal clear waters, and neat little towns. There is even a little town there called "Hell" that we drove to. It's pretty hilarious because the little kids at the school in Hell wear red uniforms ;) Poor kids. Here are some photos of places we visited and things we did while on Grand Cayman.
Hello world!
1 year ago
You are such an amazing photographer, and thank you for keeping us all posted on your grand adventures!! It looks and sounds like you two are having a great time, and the boat is full of fun things to do. Enjoy the sunshine for me :)
Gorgeous beaches! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time and had some great sunshine! Are you sure you are pregnant?!
Haha...I've been to Hell...when I was 12 we went on a cruise and that was one of our stops. Except I don't remember there being a school...they told us it was only about 4 acres of land. It did have a gift shop and post office so I have post cards from Hell! They did have these strange black rocks that I walked on...did you see those. Hope you guys are doing well. Congrats on being pregnant. Hope things are going great for you guys!
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