Well, it has been entirely too long since I've posted anything, and I'm very sorry. I'll explain what we've been up to and perhaps you'll forgive me =) There aren't any photos to post today, but I promise you'll have some next week...
About 6 weeks ago, Joel and I opened Razorback Ribs, our new BBQ joint. We purchased a mobile unit and professional cooker a few months ago and have been preparing to open in the mean time. For anyone who didn't know, Joel lost his job back in October, so we had to find another avenue for income! It took a little while, but we're finally open. Since I've known Joel, he has always dreamed of owning his own restaurant and that is finally becoming a reality. We are not a full-fledged restaurant at this point, but who knows what the future holds. For now, people order their food at our window and most take it with them either back to work for lunch, or home for dinner. We do have indoor seating for about 12, and we have picnic tables behind our building by the creek for those who want to get away and eat outside in the fresh air. So far, God has blessed us beyond belief with great business. Everyone RAVES about Joel's BBQ and we have done really well with sales. We have landed a few catering jobs which really helps as well.
My part of the gig is that I make all the potato salad from scratch at home. I go through 50-75 lbs of potatoes a week, so you can imagine how busy that keeps me. Along with that, I'm working between 4 and 6 hours a day at the business until we can afford to hire someone (or Mia comes along, which ever happens first!). It has been really hectic, but if we can get a good solid start at this business, I know it will be far easier when we hire someone. We'll have all the kinks worked out by then and they won't have to be guinea pigs :).
In the middle of all this maddness, I got SUPER sick and couldn't be of any help to Joel for about 3 days, and I was pretty lame help for about a week. That wasn't fun. Luckily they gave me antibiotics and I'm finally on the road to recovery.
ALSO, I wanted to brag on my precious husband a little bit. He has preached for our church twice now (first time was a few months ago) and does an absolutely incredible job. I was pretty nervous the first time he preached, because if you know Joel, you NEVER know what's going to come out of his mouth! But he did amazing both times and God is really working through him. He has a great way of connecting with people and really touching hearts. I'm very proud of him, as is our whole church, and community at that!
SO, between new business, potato salad madness, illness, church functions, getting a baby room ready, being 7.5 months pregnant, trying to keep my household kept up, and finding time to put my swollen feet up, you can imagine how busy it's been around here. I promise I'll be better at posting with time. Next week are our 4D ultrasound pics of Mia, so I'll be sure to post those!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Ok...I forgive you...this time!! hehe. Oh my girl, you have been super busy! I've been wondering how the BBQ thing was coming along. Sounds like it is a success!! What about the gym?
7.5 months...not much longer!! Yeah! I can't wait to see her this fall!
I am so proud of you two and all of your amazing accomplishments in life. No matter what happens or what you are faced with, you two always seem to make the best of it. You are a hard worker, especially at 7.5 months, but all of this will pay off and I am sure you two will have a successful business in no time! Let me know if you need some accounting help...we can work on your books every weekend :) Good Luck and I can't wait to see pictures of Mia and her monkey room!!
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