Well, we got to see our little baby girl again today and it was such a treat. Joel, my mom, and I went to get the 4D ultrasounds and Mia sure put on a show. She yawned for us, she smiled for us, and she even got fussy when I pushed too hard on one side of my belly. She made a real cranky face, which I won't post - we're only going to show the cute happy baby pictures, not the preview of the attitude that is to come...tee hee hee.
She looks perfectly healthy and a little chubby too! I can not believe that in 9 weeks she will be here in my and Joel's arms making these faces out in the open air. It's amazing. And we have so much to DO still!!!! Eek!
Please continue to pray that she grows healthy and strong in my belly and that everything comes out all right - literally :) . I'll post a baby bump (more like baby BLIMP) photo soon so you can see how much larger I've gotten!
Here's a peaceful sleeping picture. Her arms are up by her face, you can see her elbows, and her hands are behind her head. She's just kickin' back relaxing in there!
The whole time the ultrasound was going on, she kept this right foot up by her face. She would stick her toes in her eyes, her nose, then kick it outward toward my belly. But she always brought it back to around her face. SO...here's her cute little grin, with some chubby toes included :)

Here's the big yawn. I guess we wore her out with all the poking and prodding. Once again, that little foot is front and center, those arms are still behind her head reclining, and looks like she's ready for a nap!
She is so beautiful, those pictures are amazing. I can't believe that they captured so much...including her little attitude, I love it! Time is flying by, and soon she will be kicking in your arms and not in your belly...I can't wait to meet her :) Take care, and stay healthy (that goes for Mia too!)
What a precious little baby girl! She's beautiful! I so can't wait to meet and hold her this fall....in my wedding gown!! :)
Those are great pictures! We are so excited for you.
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