Well, here we are in April. How in the WORLD did that happen? I'll try to briefly update you on what we've been doing.
We had a busy end of March. On the 22nd we had our childbirthing class which lasted SIX hours, but was really informative. It wasn't the breathing classes you see being made fun of on TV, it was more an educational class with some pretty graphic videos about the whole process. I'm really glad Joel went because he had never seen birthing videos and now he's as horrified as I am of the whole process :) After that class we met up with my parents and headed to Branson, MO, to watch the Dixie Stampede dinner show for my dad's birthday. It was a TON of fun. They have spectacular horses and do some really awesome stunts and skits with the animals. They also fed us a huge dinner during the show.
A few short days later it was Joel's birthday. We had a "grape jelly making party" for him at my mom's house (long story, it was his request...), we ate some really nice steaks, and he got a really cool touch screen camera! I know, you would think we'd have more photos posted!!!
The next day I left for the Tulsa Workshop with a group from our church. It's a huge event with thousands of people from around the country. There are different classes every hour on the hour with different speakers on different topics that you can choose to attend, and there are booths with all sorts of info to browse. At night there is a keynote speaker and lots of really REALLY good singing! Joel joined us Friday night and attended the Saturday classes with us. We got to see some old friends, and more importantly, learned a LOT about being a more effective Christian. We came back pretty excited and got all sorts of neat things going at our church to reach out and help our community.
Saturday in Tulsa we found ourselves in the middle of a blizzard. It snowed like 8 inches from 8am to 4pm with that wet, heavy snow. The roads were a MESS and since we were with a group we decided to leave a little early and get past the weather before it froze for the night and got dark. Here is a photo of us in the snow. Brrrr!

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