My dad and a relative of his planned a hay ride for a bunch of the kids in the area a few weeks ago (yes I'm a little behind on my postings...oops). It was a chilly October night, but we had a ton of kids show up, a big selection of warm chili to warm our bellies, and of course a lot of fun with family and friends.
To my friends in Alaska who, like me, don't have a clue what a hay ride is, or why on earth that would be a fun idea because it's always below zero in October in Alaska, I'll explain what went on... Dad lined a big flat bed trailer with bales of hay, and sprinkled it all over the floor of the trailer too. We sat along the bales in a big square while he pulled the huge trailer around with his truck. We sang some songs (I pity anyone who was listening...), enjoyed the fall air, and drove down to a cemetery. All of a sudden, there were screams and a white sheet shape running through the cemetery. That pretty much freaked the kids out. THEN... on the other side of the trailer, a guy came running out of the woods with a chainsaw. Yikes. That scared me too. Didn't know Dad was so into the whole halloween-scary bit. Anyways, it was entertaining to say the least. Mia slept through it....
A tad cross-eyed...
This is her before the hayride all bundled up.
This is her cousin Clara. They were born exactly a week apart. I don't think either one is too thrilled with the other!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Your dad is awesome, that sounds like such a blast and sooo much fun for the kids! Sometimes we wish we lived down south so that we can enjoy all of the fun stuff to do...then we get a few inches of snow and go snowmachining and then remind ourselves why we live here! It seems like every time you post, Ms. Mia is getting so big and looks like a little girl already. Time passes so quickly!
The hayride sounds like so much fun! I can't believe people in Alaska wouldn't know what one is!
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