6:56 PM

Random Cute-ness

My friend Tina made this turkey costume for her kids, but we thought it would be funny to put Mia in it for Turkey Day!
Mia in a hay bale... ouch! pokey! We were taking pictures of her in an outfit that I wore when I was a baby. It's lookin' a little old, but I think it's cute that my mom kept some of my outfits :)

This is when Mia first learned to sit up, and rockin' the little pony tail :)


Brooke and David said...

Oh my! Could she possibly get any stinkin' cuter!?

Chris and Megan Bunch said...

What a cute little turkey!! I love it, great pictures of your sweet baby girl :) I hope that all is well and that you guys had a great holiday...we all have so much to be thankful for these days, especially these fun little bundles of joy!