So anyone who knows Joel and I know that we try our best to be good Christians (even though we fall on our faces A LOT) but our true goal with our restaurant is to use it as a ministry tool. Well, it's working. This past week Joel has baptized 3 people into Jesus and that is just awesome. Braden was the first one. He has been in Joel's collegiate class for quite some time now, Joel baptized his sister Kortnie last summer. Braden just started working for us 2 weeks ago and he has been a huge blessing to us, and we pray that we'll be a blessing to him also. The next two ladies are Kacie and Tracy. They were eating lunch at our restaurant the other day and started talking to Joel about Christianity and decided to take the next step in their spiritual lives. Praise God!!! One of our youth kids was baptized this week also, we call her Peanut, but her name is Makala. Pray for all of these new, clean, Christians. We are so excited and honored to be a part of their lives.
I love to watch baptisms. The people are so free and clean and relieved afterwards. It truly is a transformation and God definitely is present in those moments. I get goose bumps just thinking about it!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Awesome you guys!!
You 2 truly are a blessing to us and it's awesome seeing you guys planting seeds in the lives of others!
God is GOOD!!
What a wonderful thing that you are doing, spreading god's love and blessings to everyone. Good for you!!
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