Well, in late June we purchased a new location. We started out in a BBQ trailer in January of '09. In September of '09 we took over a coffee shop on the town square and added our BBQ to the menu. We were simply renting the building and equipment at that point. The building was awesome, an old bank with a safe in it from 1893. However, it didn't have a full kitchen, our seating was limited, and it's super old so that brought it's share of issues. About 6 months ago, a 60+ year restaurant went out of business. It had changed hands a few times, fell to bad management and after they neglected to pay sales tax several months in a row, the state locked their doors. Enter Joel and Katy :).
This place USED to be a fantastic stop that everyone hung out at, but in recent years it has gotten pretty disgusting and hardly anyone went there anymore, unless they wanted ice cream. This place always had the BEST ice cream and desserts.
We purchased it for a fair price and started the most incredible renovation we've ever undertaken. The "before photos" I'll post here aren't even the true beginning. This is once all the equipment was pulled out. Trust me, it was B-A-D. We had a professional steam cleaner/pressure washer for 5 entire days work on the building. It took him a whole day just to do the vent hood above the grill. EWW. He then steam/pressure washed the entire interior. After him, our staff went in and hand scrubbed floor to ceiling. We then repainted the entire place before moving any equipment back in.
After hanging up some decorations (which we will improve upon as time allows), covering tables, having chairs reupholstered, installing a new kitchen our style, implementing a full POS computer system, and getting the place spotless, we opened this past Wednesday (the 11th). The night prior to opening day we did a "friends and family" dinner which served as a trial run for all our staff. It was a bit chaotic but all our kinks were worked out and it's now running fantastic. We are truly blessed to have 10 of the best staff members we could ever hope for. Praise God!
Here are some photos from start to finish. Like I said, it'll never be finished as we continue to add and improve things, but this got us opened...
Hello world!
1 year ago
WOW, I am absolutely speechless. You guys did such an amazing job on the restaurant, it looks awesome. I can't believe that you OWN it, what an accomplishment, in a year and a half. We are soooo proud of you guys, and wish you the best! Not only are you providing probably the best food in town, but you are also providing jobs.....your town is so lucky to have you guys :)
Joel and Katy, this looks amazing!! I agree with everything Megan said! You 2 are definitely 'go geters' and awesome hard workers! I hope we can visit one day and check out the new place!!
P.S. I love the cute little girl that helped out!! :)
i am sooo happy for you guys and hope to see you soon!!! ernestO
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