Since I haven't posted in a while, and Mia is changing daily, I thought I'd do a post of just Mia pictures. Enjoy!
There's always hair in her face, it's just so fine and slippery and won't stay back!
Actually, in this pic my dad slicked her hair back with conditioner and hair spray, but she's carring his metal tool box full of tools! Strong little thing!
Playing in the sink at grandmas :)
Wearing Nora's bat headband thingy on halloween.
She loves putting on gloves like mommy and "Helping".
Here she's playing spoon tug-of-war with Jaydia and finding it hilarious.
Before our homecoming game, in her custom "Panther Cub" shirt.
I guess we can't leave without her!
Oh my... check out those rainboots ;)
Could she be any more flexible? She's trying to buckle her own seatbelt.
Once again, wearing a glove and "helping" mommy. We have issues when the oven is actually on because she thinks the broiler part is her toy. Ugh.
Looks like a china baby with her hair like that! She's running through pretty intense rain, barefoot, on asphalt. Crazy!
This is early summer, but it's when she learned to whistle. SO cute.
I walked into her room after a particular unsuccessful nap attempt, to find not Mia, but Mogley!!! She had somehow gotten her arms out of the neck of her shirt, yanked her hair out, thrown all her pillows and blankets overboard, and was quite proud of it all.
Some pictures from the potty (we have to do something to kill time while she decides to go). Here's a happy face...
What does the cow say? Moooooooo! (Although she more resembles a goat in the picture)
Last one for today, I think she's got water in her eyes! Hee hee hee, silly girl!
Thanks for sticking with me through a mass collection of Mia pictures. Hopefully those blog stalkers who are grumpy at my infrequent posts have gotten their fill of pics :) You know who you are! Love you!
Thanks for posting all those pics of your pretty little Mia! I loved seeing them!
Mission Accomplished, thank you for my fill of Mia pictures! I love the commentary as well, you definately made the pictures come to life :) I can't believe how long her hair is, and I will say it again and again...she is sooo beautiful. Her personality shines through the pictures, she looks like she is quite the little ham! It is so nice as well as challenging when they help around the house, I am glad that Mia is being a big helper for her mom!! I can't wait to meet her, I miss you guys. Love You
Thanks for the pictures,. She is such a cutie. I can't wait to meet her!!
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