7:50 PM

A Visit With Ashley

At least once a year, one of my best friends, Ashley, and I try to get together. We need to make it more than once a year, but with a combined three kids under 4, making the 6 hour trip doesn't come easily...

This time I went to visit her at her beautiful home that her and her husband Nate have with their two sweet kids, Aiden (almost 4) and Miley (2 1/2). I probably shouldn't mention that this trip took place in September, seeing as how I'm not posting anything until November...but I'm working on getting caught up. SORRY!

Mia and I were there for a little more than 3 days and had a GREAT time with them. It's CRAZY how much Mia and Miley look alike. They could totally be sisters - which is even crazier considering how Ashley and I look NOTHING alike.

We went to the awesome zoo and had a blast. Here are some photos!

When I first got there, we decided to put all the carseats in one vehicle so we didn't have to drive around separately. It was SO cute that all 3 held hands! Sorry for cutting your face off Aiden - the iPhone camera kinda stinks.

Here's Miley and Mia at the Zoo!
Miley feeding the cute little goats...

It only took 345,677,889 attempts to get all 3 to look at us. We looked like complete morons trying to make them smile and look at us. Everyone in the zoo was looking at us EXCEPT our kids...
Something's stinky!
Aiden handled the lorikeet being on him like a champ.
As did Ashley...
But Mia apparently takes after her mommy and was petrified of the birds!
Look closely, there are 3 kids on this stroller! Ashley's working so hard, and I'm taking pictures... oops. We had a great trip and LOVE you guys!!!


Chris and Megan Bunch said...

Wow, in the few months that you haven't posted Mia has gotten HUGE. I can't believe how grown up she has gotten, not to mention that her and Miley do look like sisters. I just wanted to throw in there that there is a ligitimate reason why you hate birds...anyone would have a fear of them if they were attacked by pecking magpies!! Looks like you guys had fun, kudos to you for making the 6 hour long drive with a one and a half year old!