4:37 PM

More Mia

We had a suitcase packed for Mia when she spent the night at my mom and dad's for the first time. When we got home, she took the liberty of unpacking it in the kitchen. For the record, this is a little suitcase!
 Then she got in the suitcase and laid like this for a very, strange, long time. Looks like a frog to me. Maybe that corner smelled good! Tee hee...
 As we were packing totes for moving out of our house, we constantly had to give her rides in totes. This one in particular was comfy as it had our guest bedroom bedding in it! She played in this tote forever, it was so cute! I wish you could see the joy in her face while Joel pulled her around, inverted :)
 Here she is helping my mom cook by breading sliced zucchini and handing it to "grandma" to cook. SO cute! She gets a bucket or a chair or whatever she can get up on, whenever someone is cooking, and loves to help. This morning she spilled my protein powder all over the floor in an effort to "help". Thanks Mia :)
 While we were in Mexico, Mia got a few blisters on her feet. They are almost completely healed, but the slight scab that is left still has her very bothered. I still have to kiss the dang "owwweee" about 3 times a day. After playing in the fridge door, she thought it would be a good idea to get out the Cholula (hot sauce) and put it on her blisters. I'm tellin' ya', strange child!!!
 We had 10-12 inches of snow this week and we have taken full advantage of it. We have a little hill on our property and have been kayaking down it. SO fun. Mia doesn't really like her hands in it - who does? it's cold!- but other than that she has a great time and cries when we have to go back in the house.
 Just a goofy picture Nora took of Mia:
She loves taking baths and is so cute all wrapped up in her towel afterwards :)
 So, my child loves anything that is dangerous. Here I was doing paperwork on the table 4 feet from her. She reached up where the dishes were drying, grabbed this steak knife, found an apple, apparently stabbed the knife into the apple, then brought it to me like this. I figured if she hadn't hurt herself while accomplishing all that in mere seconds, she could hold it for a few more while I ran and grabbed the camera.
 Her beloved, obnoxiously pink, 4-wheeler:
 Opening the dog kennel door (or should I say, "about to be demolished by overly excited labs getting out of their kennel")
 Just cute:
 That's all! Aren't you proud of me for the semi-consistent blogs lately??