Whatever it is that he does to 'bring home the bacon,' let's ask that Jesus meet him there today.
We all know our husband's jobs well, so spend some time today personalizing your prayer in the way your husband needs them most. Try to take yourself out of the prayers. Don't pray for what you would be pleased to see happen, but rather things that would bring growth to your man.
Our focus:
-May his workplace be/become a place where he has freedom show his
creativity and use his gifts.
-That he would gain encouragement, specifically today, from his co-workers.
-That he would be effective.
-A thankful heart for a job that provides.
-Give clarity to any callings that the Lord may be placing in his heart.
-Professional growth.
Take a few extra moments to thank Jesus for giving your husband a job. For those of you who have the joy of staying at home with your kids make sure you have your heart right. Rather than comparing your life to the lives of others or wishing you had more to "show" for your life or sulking in the career you used to have, give thanks for a man who works so hard so that you can be a full-time mommy.
Let us all make a noticeable effort today to show our gratitude for our husbands when he enters the doors of his home at five or six or seven o'clock in the evening.
One of the most applicable pieces of advice I have ever heard is this:
"When your husband comes home from a long day at work, you and all of your children should go to the door to greet him, showing him how thankful you are that he has come home to you. A man who comes home with no one to greet him, feels as though no one notices his presence. If his presence is not noticed, he will start to pull away. Make a conscious effort to greet your husband today. And have your children or pets or make believe friends do the same thing. It will make him feel loved. That is our goal!"
Hello world!
1 year ago
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