Ouch. I don't like this one because it hits too close to home :(. I REALLY struggle with this because I'm so jealous of Joel's free time. He doens't get much free time and I feel entitled to every minute he does get. The second he mentions "guy time" my hackles go up. I've REALLY been working on this lately and I'm proud to say that I'm getting better. My initial gut feeling isn't any better but the words that actually come out of my mouth are more encouraging and positive ;) So I guess I better pray for this one double time!
Here is the post I got from Meagan's blog for day 6:
We have completed half of our ten-day, focused prayer time for your man. I just want to encourage you to stay strong in your commitment. I am great at starting tasks, but stink at finishing strong. I do not want this to happen to me, nor you. Really commit to disciplining yourself over the next few days to finish strong in your prayer journey.
Friendship. A word my man knows so, so well. I am ashamed to admit, but I am not always gun hoe when Brad wants to spend time with friends. I have been known to feel that they are competing for my quality time. I rarely take the time to acknowledge how beneficial Brad's quality friend-time can be, nor do I give thanks for the great friends that my husband has. Maybe some of you are on the opposite end of the spectrum, you desire for your husband to develop more friendships. If so, spend today requesting this from the Lord.
If your husband has many friends or few, let us be thankful for all of the men in his life whom he can be 'real' around. Be thankful if he returns home refreshed and a better husband and father after being around his friends.
Our focus:
-Give him wisdom in choosing men worthy of honest friendship.
-Thank Jesus for the friends that he has been given.
-Be specific, thank Jesus for each friend that comes to mind. Call them out by
-Ask that he would be vulnerable with his friends.
-Pray that the vulnerability would grow to true accountability.
-Develop him into an authentic, giving, approachable friend.
-Increase integrity in friendships, making him worthy of great friends, in return.
Maybe he should get a guys night soon, away from the stresses of a job, the demands of a family, the requests of a wife and the expectations of those he leads. Just a thought...
Hello world!
1 year ago
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